Add your own POI's generated via a PC for Navi 600/900

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Add your own POI's generated via a PC for Navi 600/900

Post by RescuePC »

Add your own POI's generated via a PC for Navi 600/900

Format for POI
Longitude, Latitude, "POI Description", "Extra Info", ""
There need to be spaces 'after' the commas and the file must be saved in UTF-8 format.

Get Longitude and Latitude
Find the address you want (add post code or address in search bar), then right click on the map the position your require and select "whats here" in search bar long lat will appear

Create a file called Private_1.poi on the USB under a directory called myPOIs
(the USB has to be formated Fat32 and <1Gb)
follow the format from above and save the file

Add the newly create POI to your Navi 600/900
Press the CONFIG button and select the menu item "Navigation settings". In the Settings menu select Import from the own point of interest.

Hope this help
Rescue PC
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